Urge The US Gov To Step Up To Protect The Rohingya

Curious what you can do about the atrocities in Burma? 

Take action and sign the petition calling on the US government to take measures to protect the Rohingya from Burma's army.

Sign the petition now. 

For more information on what the government is currently doing and additional steps you can take to make a difference, read the information below from Simon Billenness, the Executive Director of the International Campaign for the Rohingya. 

Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed H.Con.Res.90 - by a vote of 423 to 3 - calling on the U.S. Administration to impose targeted sanctions on Burma's army in response to its atrocities against the Rohingya.

Now let's build on our momentum. Yesterday's House resolution puts powerful pressure on the Trump Administration to reimpose sanctions on Burma's army. Now, it is up to Congress to pass the bills that would write those sanctions into U.S. law.

Click here to tell your U.S. Representative: prevent this genocide of the Rohingya.

Click here to tell your U.S. Senator: prevent this genocide of the Rohingya.

A bipartisan group of U.S. senators and representatives have introduced companion bills in the Senate and House to use U.S. leverage to end the violence, provide humanitarian assistance, and hold the perpetrators accountable. Ask your legislators to support and co-sponsor these critical bills today.

The Burma Human Rights and Freedom Act (S.2060) and the Burma Unified Through Rigorous Military Accountability Act (H.R.4223) will:

  • Mandate the U.S. government to take steps to help end the repression and violence against the Rohingya and other ethnic peoples of Burma, including the Karen, Shan, and the Kachin.

  • Facilitate continued U.S. humanitarian assistance to the affected people.

  • Implement targeted sanctions against Burmese military officials responsible for the atrocities in Rakhine State and other regions of Burma.

  • Effectively prohibit U.S. military-to-military cooperation with Burma's army.

  • Call for full implementation of the recommendations of the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State, which includes recognition of citizenship rights for the Rohingya.

When the world says "Never Again" after an incidence of genocide, we have to mean it.

Click here to email your U.S. Representative.

Click here to email your U.S. Senators.

Please follow up your email by directly calling your U.S. senators and representative.  

Call the Congressional Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your representative's and senators' offices. Or simply search the web for the phone number of their office in Washington, DC.

Just one email or phone call from a constituent makes a difference.  Call and email every day this week until your U.S. senators and representative's staff tell you that they will co-sponsor H.R.4223 or S.2060.

And please share this action widely with your friends and family!  If you do not live in the United States, please this share this action with your American friends.

We have the responsibility right now to help prevent an act of genocide against the Rohingya.

Let’s take action together and take action now.

AdvocacyTASSC International